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Cannabis For The Ages: Dosages And Recommended Products Based On Age

How To Determine Your Perfect Cannabis Dose And Find The Ideal Products For You

By Naomi C. Abrams


When it comes to medical marijuana, every person has unique needs. 

Figuring out your correct dose involves many different factors. Your age, weight, medical history, and more should all be factored into your cannabis experience. 

The type of products you choose, along with their potencies, is also key. 

While your medical marijuana doctor can give you the right starting place when it comes to dosages, it is often a matter of trial and error and adjusting your dose incrementally until it feels just right.


How Do You Determine The Right Dose Of Medical Marijuana? 

Every person responds differently to cannabis, and every cannabis journey is personal.

The first place to start is determining your medical cannabis goals (such as pain relief, lessening anxiety, or decreasing inflammation) and then starting slow to achieve those goals.

For some, a small dose of cannabis is enough, and for others, a larger and more potent dose is necessary. 

It’s ideal to find your perfect dose to achieve therapeutic effects without any adverse effects (because who wants to get sleepy in the middle of a work meeting, right?)

Starting with a small dose and slowly increasing is the best method for new cannabis users (or those returning to cannabis after a long time). 

To avoid unwanted anxiety or paranoia, don’t overdo it. You can’t overdose on cannabis, but too much can certainly make you uncomfortable.


Always Check Product Labels And Talk With The Friendly Staff At FLUENT

When it comes to medical marijuana, it’s essential to know what’s in the products your buying. 

Check the potency (or cannabinoid percentages) and terpene content to make sure you’re choosing products that are a good fit. 

THC is the most popular cannabinoid, and it is what causes the psychoactive effects of cannabis.

On the other hand, CBD is the next key cannabinoid, providing the bulk of the plant’s therapeutic effects. 

When THC and CBD are combined, they tend to produce the best therapeutic effects, working synergistically to ease pain and general discomfort.


How To Decide The Right Types Of Cannabis Products To Buy

When starting a medical marijuana regimen (or returning to cannabis), it’s important to start slowly and not intermingle other intoxicants with cannabis. That means no alcohol or prescription narcotics, ideally.

Let’s look at a few different types of medical marijuana options to see which could be best for you.


Whole Flower Provides Fast Relief 

Many patients prefer smoking cannabis flower because its effects go to work quickly. You can expect to feel relief within seconds of inhaling, and the effects can last up to three hours. 

New patients should start with one or two puffs of choice FLUENT flower and increase dosage as needed. 

Flower is safe and effective for all ages, and the many different strains offered by FLUENT provide enough choices that everyone can find their perfect puff. 

Edibles Taste Great And Last Longer

Edibles are a popular choice for patients looking to dose in small and manageable amounts, plus they come in a variety of delicious flavors.

FLUENT gels provide 5-10mg of THC per piece (depending on the type) and come in the following flavors: watermelon, jamberry, blue raspberry, peach, tropical, and green apple. 

They are vegan, gluten-free, dairy-free, and contain no high fructose corn syrup. 

They are also discreet and convenient, and the effects can last for several hours (often longer than other ingestion methods). You should take one gel, assess its effects, and then see if more is needed after a couple of hours.


Vaping Works Quickly To Address Symptoms

Vaping medical marijuana provides the benefits of smoking without the lingering odor. 

Cannabis vapes come in a wide variety of flavors, strengths, and strains, as well. 

With FLUENT’s various vape cartridge options (such as the MOODS line), you can choose the potency and flavor profile you want.

While it is slightly harder to gauge your dose with vapes, it is always advised to start with one or two inhalations and then see how you feel. You can always take another puff if you are still in pain or experiencing unpleasant bodily symptoms.


Topicals Target Localized Pain Without The High

Topicals are patches, ointments, and lotions that provide many of the benefits of cannabis without the euphoric effects.

Topicals are ideal for treating localized pain and aiding those with a low THC tolerance (or those who don’t wish to ingest the plant)

FLUENT’s topical cream, Elara, contains the perfect blend of THC and CBD, making it ideal for reducing pain and inflammation without the high or possible adverse effects. 

Topicals are perfect for pain due to arthritis, sports injuries, automobile accidents, and more. 

Drops Make Dosing Simple And Discreet

Sublingual drops make dosing accurate and provide the ideal experience for those new or returning to cannabis. Known for their therapeutic effects, they make medicating manageable and odor-free.

FLUENT’s Drops take the best of the marijuana plant and put it right in your pocket. There is a great fit for every patient with a wide range of options (from CBD to THC to blends). 

One dose is typically considered to be one full dropper, but you can always increase later based on your experience. 

Capsules Are As Easy As 1-2-3

Capsules provide a simple and straightforward way to medicate.

You don’t need any tools or time to use this medication route, and the results tend to last for several hours (even through the night).

Capsules can help provide pain relief and a general sense of well-being, free from anxiety and stress. The added CBD helps fight inflammation and discomfort. 

Each capsule is considered a dose, but you can increase gradually after one to two hours as with the other products. 

Concentrates And Dabs Are For The Heavy Hitters

For those who need more potent relief and have a higher tolerance to medical marijuana, concentrates and dabs may be the preferred route.

Products such as wax, rosin, resin, and shatter all belong to this category. These are highly potent and contain between 60-99% THC. 

New patients should not start with concentrates because their tolerance will be immediately impacted, making medicating more costly and complicated in the long-term. 

Syringes Provide Optimal Relief For Those With Higher Tolerances

Not typically for the cannabis novice, syringes are high THC options for those looking to reduce pain and stress. 

The syringes can be used sublingually, vaporized, used in cooking, or ingested in small portions. It’s advised to begin with a drop or two under the tongue and then reassess how you feel in 30-60 minutes. These come in different strains, making daytime and nighttime dosing simple. 

Ingesting cannabis with this method makes for long-lasting pain relief and allows for relaxation and peace of mind. 

Don’t Be Afraid To Try Different Options

The beauty of medical marijuana is that there are many options to choose from when addressing your health concerns.

Your doctor and helpful staff at FLUENT Cannabis Care can help you find the products that will best suit you.

You should always feel free to try different options until you find an assortment that works for you and your needs. 


For questions or to place an order, please call +1 (833) 735.8368 now. 

You can also visit a dispensary near you today! We are waiting to help you get relief fast.