Starting March 1st, OMMU will change the way your smokable flower recommendation is tracked in compliance with the written statute.
What does the statute say?
“MMTCs may not dispense more than one 35-day supply of marijuana in a form for smoking within any 35-day period to a qualified patient or caregiver”
This means that, by law, patients are not allowed to purchase more than 2.5 ounces (or their allotted recommendation) of flower within any given 35-day period.
What is changing on March 1st?
- The only change is the 35-day cycle.
- Your available amount DOES NOT reset every 35 days. Your available amount IS NOT based on the calendar month or certification-issued date.
- Patients are now limited to a 35-day rolling allotment.
- Each time a patient purchases smokable flower, the amount purchased is automatically recorded and your available amount to purchase is updated on OMMUR.
What are my purchase options before the OMMUR transition period starting March 1st, 2022?
- Patients may purchase up to 2.5 ounces (or their allotted recommendation) at any time within a 35-day period with the ability to purchase more when their new recommendation opens. (This rule only applies if your new 35-day recommendation period starts before March 1st).
- Example: If you were to purchase the entire 2.5 ounces the day before your recommendation expired, you would be eligible to purchase 2.5 ounces again when the new recommendation opened 2 days later
How much can you purchase?
- To put it in simple terms, that purchased amount is “frozen” and unavailable for purchase for the following 35 days.
- Example: If a patient purchases 1.5 ounces at the beginning of their 35-day period, they are only eligible to purchase 1 ounce over the remaining days in their 35-day period.
- You may check your available amount at any time at