Maybe you recently tried cannabis for the first time, and you were surprised by how strong its effects were. Or, perhaps you’ve used it for a while, but you find that your usual dose still seems too high. Cannabis has actually increased in potency within the past decade. You may have tried microdosing, and if this even seems like too much THC for your unique system, you’re not alone. Everybody’s different, and it’s hard to tell who will need a little and who will need a lot to reach their desired effect.
Are you wondering whether the “less is more” principle of microdosing cannabis applies to you? Or are you frustrated because microdosing still seems like too much? Perhaps you’re one of the sensitive among us, and that’s OK. If you’re curious about what your options are aside from microdosing, or if you’re entirely new to this area, let us show you around. We’ve compiled the following questions and answers so that you may determine the dose that’s right for you.
What Is Cannabis?
If you’re a newcomer to the world of cannabis or CBD cannabis, the terminology and slang terms surrounding this plant’s use can be confusing and even misleading at times. Cannabis refers to a group of plants that use “cannabis” as part of their scientific names — like cannabis Indica and cannabis Sativa plant derivatives. When these plants’ flowers are dried, they can be eaten or smoked for their psychoactive components. THC is the main compound in cannabis plants that gives consumers that trademark “high” feeling, and each strain is a little bit different in what it delivers.
You can get your THC from smoking the dried flowers themselves, or you can eat edible products like gummies and baked treats for a low dose of the compound. Everyone’s cannabis consumption is different depending on the day and how they feel – that’s normal. Also, you should know that the name has changed in most areas, including Florida: Though the name “marijuana” was used as a catch-all name for these plants in the past, the more scientific-sounding “cannabis” is preferable now.
What Is Microdosing?
Walking through your workday after using an average amount of cannabis, for most people, can leave you in a haze that’s more appropriate for watching TV or relaxing with friends. Some people prefer to simply eat small amounts of cannabis gummies or cookies for a low dose, and others are more particular about their microdosing. A microdose is precisely what it sounds like: An extremely tiny amount of cannabis, in any form, that is eaten or smoked in hopes of getting a “buzz” without a “high.” Microdoses are typically doses that contain fewer than 10 milligrams of THC.
Who Is Microdosing Appropriate For?
Microdosing is appropriate for people who feel that they can’t tolerate large amounts of cannabis and even those who have tolerated large quantities in the past but want to scale back. Think of THC like caffeine: if you drink five cups of coffee every day, you quickly build up a tolerance to its effects. You can attempt to reset your tolerance level by cutting back and starting with a very low dose. Additionally, you may find that you prefer the effects of a lower amount once your body has reset.
What Is Ultra-Low Dosing?
Ultra-low dosing works with the same principles as microdosing but with much smaller amounts of THC. If you’re microdosing cannabis and still noticing side effects that seem out of proportion with your cannabis dose, ultra-low dosing may be appropriate for your situation. Remember our caffeine comparison? If you cut back to half a cup a day and it still seems too intense, try to go even lower. You may find that a fourth or even an eighth of a cup is more appropriate for you.
With cannabis products, a low dose, or a microdose, includes every amount below 10 milligrams — usually 1 milligram to 5 milligrams. These products are typically available in vapors, dissolving capsules, and gummies. An ultra-low dose for the beginning cannabis consumer may contain as little as 0.02 to 0.2 milligrams of THC. This is 50 to 500 times smaller than a standard “low” dose! The goal here is not to create a high from the THC: It’s to harness any beneficial effects it may have below the threshold of feeling high.
Do Ultra-Low Doses Even Work?
There’s a lot of excitement surrounding THC in general, and within the past decade, research studies that use exceptionally small doses are popping up all over the place. Like those who published this article that is a review of micro-cannabis use in 2019 in The American Journal of Drug and Alcohol Abuse, some scientists think that ultra-low doses of THC are helpful to the brain. Additionally, this study by Yosef Sarne et al., published by The Journal of Neuroscience Research in 2014, suggests that ultra-low doses can protect brains from the harmful effects of inflammation — mice brains, at least. These studies show promise that ultra-low doses can work the same way in humans.
How Do I Determine the Right Amount of THC for Me?
Unfortunately, we can’t give you a definitive answer to this question. This is where your hard work, observational skills, and intuition come into play. If you’re new to cannabis, you may want to start at an ultra-low dose (like 1 milligram) and see where this takes you. If you’re a seasoned pro, you can try taking a break from THC, resetting your tolerance level, and notice when or if you start feeling off.
When experimenting with different types of products and strains of cannabis, it may be helpful to keep a journal. Write down what you take, smoke, eat, the time of day, the milligram amount, and how it makes you feel. You may be surprised by the results of your scientific inquiry: Some people need higher doses, and some can get away with a fraction of an average amount. Every person is different, and both scenarios illustrate a typical cannabis experience.
Get in Touch Today
Depending on where you live, you may need a doctor’s note or a medical card that states that you can possess and use medical cannabis and THC products. Cannabis legalization is different everywhere, but in Florida, you need a doctor’s approval before buying — and this applies to everyone. It’s difficult to predict which states legalize which aspects of medical and recreational cannabis use, but these laws frequently change for different parts of the country. Keep an eye on cannabis news and announcements relevant to your area of the country for any applicable changes.
Regular dosing, microdosing, and ultra-low dosing are all valid forms of cannabis use that may help different people in different ways. Depending on what your life is like and what your goals are, one may be the perfect solution for you.