Perla - 600 mg
CBD Tincture



Perla is an Indica-dominant CBD strain that has demonstrated a consistently robust cannabinoid profile through numerous laboratory analyses. As our first in-house strain, Perla exhibits well-balanced effects in both body and mind.

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THC Content Approx: < 0.8%*

CBD Content Approx: 0.5mg/drop per 600 mg (1 ml)*

THC to CBD 1:40

Dosing units

30 g in 30 mL (~20 mg CBD/mL; ~0.5 mg THC/mL)

Total doses

1200 drops per bottle (~0.5 mg CBD/drop; ~0.013 mg THC/drop)

Average price

  • 30 day $80
  • 50 day $133
  • 70 day $187

Key Benefits

Tinctures are absorbed sublingually, so essential cannabinoids are absorbed directly into the bloodstream. Effects are delayed through the absorption process but are prolonged. The application is very discreet, with no odor.


Patients are recommended to initiate treatment with 2.5 mg (meaning 2 drops). After 5-7 days, the dose can be gradually increased to 5 mg twice a day (4 drops, twice a day).

Patients who are able to tolerate 5 mg twice daily may benefit from a dosage increase. The maximum dosage recommended is 10 mg twice daily (8 drops, twice a day). This should be progressed over several weeks, as tolerated.


This product contains MCT oil. Those with a coconut allergy should consult their physician before consuming.

Contraindicated in patients:

• with hypersensitivity to cannabinoids (e.g., THC or CBD) or to any of the inert ingredients in this strain.
• with a significant history of cardiovascular disease;
• with an active or previous psychotic or active mood or anxiety disorder; and
• who are pregnant, planning to become pregnant, or are breastfeeding.