Embrace the High Life: Happy 420 Eve!


Updates To Fluent Text Communications

Starting October 1st, 2021 Fluent will begin making changes to ensure you receive all the latest information and unfiltered content everyone wants to see.

New security measures required for the cannabis industry will allow Fluent to provide customers with an extra security step – in exchange for full access to Fluent’s uncensored content and more reliable, informative communications.

Get your new passcode and say goodbye to vague, cryptic cannabis messages in three easy steps:

Step 1

Click the secure links sent from Fluent in our text alerts.

Step 2

A unique authentication code will be texted automatically to your phone for added protection. Enter pin code into the space provided. This step will not be required for future text links.

Step 3

Enjoy uncensored access to more reliable communications, exclusive discounts, new product releases, and more.